Kimi wa petto (You're My Pet)

Kimi Wa Petto きみ は ペット
Matsumoto Jun as Momo/Goda Takeshi
Koyuki as Iwaya Sumire
On Theme
I like the manga-turned-live action’s attempt to dabble into the human-animal, specifically, human-pet relationship. This drama probably aims to uplift animal rights considering the general concept of valuing pets is very much appropriated within the story line.
As in the case of Goda Takeshi who took the place of the deceased pet of Sumire named Momo, it is quite funny that he, too, is considered “useless” by his master Sumire-chan herself because he could not do any chore properly, he always messes up things, and brings not even a cinch of financial aid to her. But the fact that Momo is the reason why she looks forward going back home makes pets not useless at all.

Matsumoto Jun and Koyuki: awesome or queer-some pair?
On the Cast
Iwaya Sumire (Koyuki)
She is the character that I couldn’t bear with in the drama. Despite her supposed “pitiful” situation given away, I still take her as an antagonist. The fact that she’s beautiful, smart and capable of anything does not make her a pitiful being at all. Sure, she must have a bad deal of superiority complex imposed to other people but she’s not totally hopeless. She just has to find a good match for her height and career wagon.
I detest her selfish personality. One of my favorite lines though from the drama is when her bestfriend, Shirotae Yuri (played by Sarina Suzuki), finally told her off what she truly thinks of the situation. Sumire always consults her and even a psychologist, Satoshi Asano, whose office happens to be on the same building as hers, regarding her “pet” activities and at times, abnormal behavior, when in fact, she’s the one who should be diagnosed. She has a very ideal boyfriend and then she still wants to keep the adorable and young Takeshi just in case she needs to be herself.
She is also an inconsistent character. People regard her as an upright person who can get hold of any situation, but finding and helping Takeshi is too much for her. Right from the start, viewers will get confused on what is she trying to pull.
Goda Takeshi/Momo (Matsumoto Jun)
At first, I find his acting very, very queer for I got used to see him acting COOL bullying and cursing people around. The moment I saw him in the drama when he recovered from his illness and desperately clung to Sumire, things got worse. He literally acted as a pet. He started to do dog tricks and all. But as every “Okaerima”(said by someone who greets a person coming home) and “Tadaima” (said by the person coming back home) scene comes up, I gradually got used to it.

MatsuJun as Goda Takeshi/Momo: One of his dog moves
I like how his character is built. Unlike Sumire, he is a quite consistent character. He took up ballet lessons and does not have a care in the world if people would think it’s only for girls. So when Sumire asked him to be literally, her pet, he quickly agreed knowing he would lose his precious pride and dignity.
His happy-go-lucky outlook in life is what the pompous Sumire needs. Honestly, MatsuJun’s built and “cuteness” are definitely his assets why the role is tailor fit for him.
I just find it very strange every time he and Koyuki would be hugging each other. It just doesn’t look good, at least, from my point of view.
Oh, and I might add. Jun showed his aggressiveness in kissing here. Whew!

Asano Satoshi (Nagatsuka Kyozo)
He is one of the key characters that rouse the story. As a psychologist, he is the symbolism of “misery loves company”. I just laugh every time he would tell Sumire that they are indeed, very much alike: people who are destined to be alone. He even called her his comrade and watched every event that happens to her.
My Favorite Episodes
The drama is limited to only 10 episodes. Well, I don’t want it to be longer than that. I could not take how degrading the role of Matsu-kun was in this drama. Since Jun-kun is meant to be the simile for a pet, then I do fancy the episode titles and contents of the drama. I do like the episodes “The Day My Dog Bit Me” and “Journey from Paradise”. The latter even took biblical allegory of Adam and Eve when Jun-kun told his friend about him and Sumire doing “it”. He knew for a fact that it was forbidden but he could not resist to “eat the apple”. As a consequence, he expected that things will not be the same anymore.
Downbeat Parts
I guess the impossibility of having someone as carefree and pride-less as Takeshi (even in drama reel setting).
I couldn’t think (from my experience) of anyone (not even my parents) whom I can truly, genuinely, and absolutely be transparent with aside from my diary and the four walls of my room. Sumire-chan definitely, as a smart person, should know the wide demarcation of human beings from animals. How come she suddenly poured her heart out to a stranger?

Pet and Master's walk in the park
I hate the repetitive narrative of either MatsuJun or Koyuki at the beginning of each episode knowing that hooked and faithful viewers should have known the details of the story by heart.
The ending is kind of frustrating because it still seems that Sumire just considers Takeshi as an indispensable pet.
In summary, they have a good concept. It’s just that they came short to make it consistent and credible. I like the representation of women though. Women are portrayed as clever, if not superior, gender. Yuri’s very contemplative and observant even though she’s a housewife. Fukushima Yiori (Sakai Wakana) is very goal-driven. Even the secretary of Satoshi Asano is very cunning for she has deceived him so she can secure a job when in fact she is a 4th year Literature major in Tokyo University. And of course, Sumire who always gets hated for her frankness when in comes to getting into the heat of arguments based on knowledge. If I may add, she is the only character who “smoked” in the drama.
As for me, I’m not fond of pets and this drama did not change it. I’d still rather visit a zoo, study animal parts but no pets especially if it’s only purpose is to show off one’s social status or befriend the trend.

Being themselves at home
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